Our class teacher's are Mrs Tunningley and Miss Pollitt (who is completing her teacher training) and our wonderful teaching assistant in Year 3 is Mrs Bullin.
Please feel free to message us on Class Dojo following the link below:
Below is a link to a tutorial for Class Dojo for parents if you need a reminder.
PE days
PE days this term are on a Monday and Thursday. Please bring both indoor and outdoor kits.
Indoor kit - red shorts, white t-shirt and trainers.
Outdoor kit - jogging bottoms, white t-shirt, jumper/hoodie and trainers.
This year the children will need to learn their 3, 4 and 8 times tables. This will be in addition to the 2, 5 and 10 x tables that your child should already know. Each child should be able to recall all of their times tables at speed in preparation of their multiplication check next year. In order to help your child achieve this, school has subscribed to a platform called Times Table Rockstars, this is available both online and as an App (Free for you to download). Please encourage your child to play this app at least three times a week for approximately ten minutes as this will help them greatly with their school work. Rewards will be given in class for children who play 5x a week - please play a 'soundcheck game' as this allows me to track the days that you logon.
Rockstars logins are on your child's reading record
Below is a link to information from the government regarding the Multiplication tables check that your child will be taking part in next year.
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Multiplication tables check information for parents
We love reading in Year 3!
Please read with your child at least 3 times a week and record this in their reading records.
Reading really does make such a huge improvement to learning and also in instilling a love of reading with your child.
Each time your child reads at home they will gain a raffle ticket. At the end of each half term, we draw the raffle for one lucky pupil to win the reading raffle prize! The more times you read the more chance you get to win!
As a school, we have also signed up to

Your child will have a weekly spelling test that takes place on a Friday. Spellings will be sent home with your child every Friday and we will always make time to teach the spelling rule and practise the spellings in class. Spellings should be practised on spelling shed each week.
Spelling Shed logins are on your child's reading record.
Our topics for the Autumn term are:
Science: Forces & Magnets and Light
History: Stone Age to Iron Age
RE: Creation: What do Christians learn from the creation story?
Design and Technology: Food (Eating seasonally)
Art: Formal elements of art
PSHE: Valuing Difference
Our topics for the Spring term are:
Science: Rocks and Plants
RE: Salvation & Hinduism
Design and Technology: Digitial world - Electronic charm
Geography: Extreme Earth
PSHE: Keeping Safe and Rights & Respect
Our topics for the Summer term are:
Science: Plants & Animals Including Humans
RE: Incarnation
Design and Technology: Textiles - Cross Stitch and Applique (cushion making)
History: The Roman Empire
PSHE: Being my best & Growing and Changing
Thank you for your continued support!
Team Year 3