North Close, Featherstone, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF7 6BQ

01977 780225





Our children are natural scientists and are keen to explore, enquire and understand the world around them. To encourage growth in, we investigate life processes, materials, physical processes and concentrate on developing children's scientific skills, encouraging them to question, investigate and test appropriately. We focus on group work and collaboration, with lots of practical work and experimentation. Through scientific investigations, we aim to build resilience by showing the children that they can learn from their mistakes, and that it is okay to get things wrong! We support their learning in a variety of ways including school trips and fieldwork.


In science, pupils will have the opportunity to:

Ask simple questions and recognise that they can be answered in different ways

Observe closely, using simple equipment

Perform simple tests

Identify and classify

Use their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions

Gather and record data to help answer question 



Pupils will be able to develop their skills as scientists by:

Using their five senses

Asking and answering questions

Making predictions about what they think might happen

Planning and investigating

Saying why and how things happen

Using a range of scientific equipment and resources

Recording their ideas and findings

Evaluating their own work and say how this can be improved 


'Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge'  Stephen Hawking



At All Saints, our children are natural scientists and are keen to explore, enquire and understand the world around them. Science lessons at All Saints concentrate on developing collaboration through practical enquiries and experimentation. We encourage the children to follow our key scientific steps of enquiry in school including: observing, questioning and predicting results based on their observations.

Our children are then supported in designing their own experiments to prove or disprove their hypothesis and enjoy learning from their successes and mistakes. In order to develop their scientific skills further, our older children discuss and consider the three types of variables: independent, dependent and control variables and use these to inform the design of their experiments.


At All Saints, we also support science learning in a variety of ways including yearly Science and STEM weeks in addition to school trips. We hold an annual Science Fair in the Spring term alongside our STEM week. All  children in school have the chance to contribute a project. Family and friends are able to join us in school to celebrate their hard work. 

 Science Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement.pdfDownload
 Science Knowledge & Skills Progression.pdfDownload
 Science knowledge and vocabulary progression.pdfDownload
 Science Knowledge Skills Progression EYFS.pdfDownload
 Science National Curriculum Coverage.pdfDownload
 Science subject overview.pdfDownload
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Science in action around school 
