North Close, Featherstone, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF7 6BQ

01977 780225




At Featherstone All Saints, our mathematics curriculum follows the Programme of Study and aims of the National Curriculum. We also follow the White Rose Maths small steps to break down the key knowledge and skills need to be successful mathematicians  

Our Vision for Mathematics


To promote a positive attitude towards mathematics in all pupils

To ensure all pupils are engaged in and are enjoying exploring Mathematics

To enable all pupils to find links between mathematics and other areas of the curriculum, including Science

To ensure all pupils progress in mathematics and are challenged appropriately through an in depth understanding

To use a wide range of concrete, pictorial and abstract representations to develop all pupils’ relational understanding of mathematics

To ensure all pupils are confident using mathematical vocabulary when reasoning about mathematics


Year 1 Mathematics curriculum


Year 2 Mathematics curriculum


Year 3 Mathematics curriculum


Year 4 Mathematics curriculum


Year 5 Mathematics curriculum


Year 6 Mathematics curriculum

