North Close, Featherstone, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF7 6BQ

01977 780225

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Through a broad and balanced curriculum that is proudly promoted throughout school, our children have the opportunities to study, investigate and explore a variety of history and geography topics across KS1 and KS2, as well as through Understanding of the World in EYFS. Creative opportunities for cross curricular activities encourage our children to be immersed in their Humanities topics, inspiring them to ask big questions about the world around them. With a strong focus on our local area, through history and geography topics our children are encouraged to explore who they are, understand their community and the changes it has been through, and celebrate these. Humanities topics are high profile throughout school and our welcoming environment showcases our children’s hard work and collaboration through displays. Humanities in our school encourages our children to investigate other cultures across the world and compare them to our own.


In history pupils will have the opportunity to learn about:

Changes within living memory

Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally

The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.

Aspects of life in different periods

Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality 


Pupils will be able to develop their skills as historians by:

Asking and answering questions

Taking into account the views of others

Researching using a range of sources

Putting dates and events in chronological order

Understanding and talking about past and present

Understanding important events and people

Quotes about History for students (19 quotes)


Knowledge organisers 


Year 1

Autumn term  

Spring term 

Summer term 

Year 2

Autumn term 

Spring term 

Summer term 

Year 3

Autumn term 

Spring term 

Summer term 


Year 4

Autumn term 

Spring term 

Summer term 


Year 5 

Autumn term

Spring term 

Summer term 

Year 6

Autumn term 

Spring term

Summer term 






