North Close, Featherstone, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF7 6BQ

01977 780225


The staff working with the Fantastic Fours are; Mrs Johnson (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday), Mrs Horton (Thursday and Friday) and Mrs Longley (Teaching Assistant).


Please read with your child daily (even if it is just for 5 minutes) and fill in their reading record. This will drastically boost their confidence and have a positive affect on their attainment as well as enabling them to 'magpie' what they have read to use in their own writing. 
50 motivating quotes about books and reading

Swimmer Clipart Images – Browse 3,212 Stock Photos, Vectors ...


Our class PE day is on Mondays.

We will also be going swimming on Fridays.

School Subscriptions 

Times Tables Rockstars

Times Tables Rockstars is an interactive game to practice times tables on. It provides the children with a 'rock speed' and prepares them for their Multiplication Check in June.
Time Tables Rock Stars » Elmwood Junior School
Multiplication check
For more information about the Year 4 multiplication check, and a practise check so that you can have a go at home, click here:
MTC - Multiplication Tables Check -


Spelling Shed is a website that allows them to practice their spellings. Spellings will be updated on the 'Shed' each week, ready for the test in class every Monday. Spelling Shed - Spelling Shed - Spelling made awesomer!


End of Year 3/4 statutory spelling list
 Please practise the Year 3/4 Spellings with your children.

If you have any questions, remember you can contact Mrs Johnson or Mrs Horton via Class Dojo and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
See You Soon Vector Images (over 330)
